Saturday, January 31, 2015

-27 degrees!

Wow it sure is cold today. It's currently -8 degrees and it is 8 in the morning. The wind is roaring out there making it a wind chill of -27. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it, I have two packages to ship at the post office. Haha, I hope my car starts! Whoa. 

I sold some pretty floral cameo earrings and a lovely repurposed necklace in my etsy shop. 

I'm really pleased thatit slows down a lot here at my day job this time of year with the cold. 

I am sorry to report to you that one of the puppies we delivered my c section passed away. She was the smallest and weakest. I wasn't going to tell you all but I thought I should be honest. We tried to revive the tiny thing but the owners had a hard time getting to us in the bad weather and it was too late. 

On a happier note... my crazy cat Cassie woke me up bright and early today. She always tells me when it is time to eat. This morning though I didn't feed her fast enough and in regular brat style she found something to tear up. Of course she only took two bits of food before hurling off to play with her kitty tennis balls. Oh my, a handful! 

Here she is at rest, which is currently 80% of the time. The other ten percent she is eating or pooping, and the rest she wreaks havock! Haha. 

Because of my busy week at work I was unable to fully finish something for bsue's finish up Friday. Ugh sorry! I did paint some humming bird charms I hope to craft into earrings, but they aren't finished yet. Hopefully something can be accomplished this weekend and I can share it with you. Talk to you soon. 

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