Saturday, May 9, 2015

Busy day Ahead

Well we bought a truck! Let me just start off by saying it will be great to not have to rely on anyone to borrow a truck. When you do as much house work as we do buying wood and sheet rock it comes in handy. 

We have started working on our front porch. I am relieved because it's the first thing people see when they come over. It was stuffed with plaster and lath and old sidding all winter. Too long! Now it's cleaned off and we are mudding the walls. I can't wait to pull up the ugly carpet and put in our actual pretty light fixtures. Yay! No more embarrassing greetings at the door. I'll hopefully show pictures soon. 

Here is my jewelry work table this week. 

Cassie didn't let me get much done 

Listed a couple new things though in my etsy shop. 

Find it at Sarah's salvage shop on etsy! 

Oh by the way, happy Mother's Day!